Blog ⋆˙⟡♡

Here is my blog page. In here, you get to view a singular blog post I have made in school! I felt that this blog piece was one of my proudest pieces of written work and I’m happy to share it here with you. 

Keith Haring: A creative mastermind with a big heart

Keith Haring, Untitled, 1982. Baked enamel on metal, 109.2 × 109.2 cm. Courtesy of The Broad Art Foundation © Keith Haring Foundation. Photo: Douglas M. Parker Studio, Los Angeles
Keith Haring, Untitled, 1982. Baked enamel on metal, 109.2 × 109.2 cm. Courtesy of The Broad Art Foundation © Keith Haring Foundation. Photo: Douglas M. Parker Studio, Los Angeles

Keith Haring said art “should be something that liberates the soul, provokes the imagination and encourages people to go further.” That is what his series of heart-warming artwork is aimed towards.

His new exclusive Canadian exhibition at the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) called “Keith Haring: Art is for Everybody” will come this November. The exhibition celebrates the impact that Haring’s artwork has on pop culture and how his artwork continued to break the barriers between activism and art.

As an American contemporary artist and social activist, Haring made several art pieces that are simple yet complex in nature. These vibrant characters don’t just have vibrant personalities, they tell multifaceted stories of strength in activism. From taking part in the anti-nuclear demonstrations to participating in the AIDS activism, Haring takes part in many activist duties.

Both interests were prevalent in his artwork. As mentioned on The Keith Haring Foundation’s website, Haring was diagnosed with AIDs in 1988. Through a simple drawing of two green humans posing like a big scissor to snip off AIDs, Haring made artwork that speaks volumes to different community members.

This simple yet philosophical painting demonstrates the profoundness of his artwork. When being asked about his AIDS diagnosis in Rolling Stone Magazine He said “Everything I’m doing right now is exactly what I want to do,” bouncing off of his simple yet complex answer with a positive mindset is how Haring wants to be remembered.

AGO’s Keith Haring exhibition will be an amalgamation of what he stood for as both a  creative and an advocate. Haring used his art to be playful while discussing various activism topics. With artwork that’s simple yet complex, his artwork is a voice for upcoming artists to be playful, spark curiosity, and open discussion.